Age: Adult, unknown

AKA: Eve, The devil (by Self)

Likes: Periods of solace, being left alone, warm weather

Dislikes: The constant visions.

Loosely titled "the devil" and sort viewed as an opposite to that of Scolex, Evie is an individual who appeared one day in one of the many rooms Johnny built in the void in his basement. Although her horns are more like lodged obsidian into her skull that grow outwards when she does something bad (like big boss in metal gear solid V). Evie is not a demon nor associate anywhere with hell, but her appearance does most of the talking in that regard.

Whilst ceasing existence after their home dimension was wiped, Evie, Self and Scolex were pushed into another reality, inadvertently being summoned by Johnny and by the appearance of the Neighbour.

Evie appeared one night in one of the many rooms Johnny constructed within the void, she is eternally bound there and can only leave when Scolex exits the television set. She lives in guilt of a crime Self convinced her that she commited: destroying an entire universe and its inhabitants.