Age: Adult

AKA: That Guy

Likes: Coffee, The Smiths

Dislikes: Being outside past dusk, the darkness that comes with daylight saving time during the winter

The neighbour lives in the same neighbourhood as Johnny, he follows a strict routine of waking up every day at 7:00 and is out the door within 30 minutes, commuting to work on the bus that stops right outside the neighbourhood. It is assumed he works an average office job somewhere in downtown Toronto, but nobody has bothered to ask. He is the landlord of several houses in the neighbourhood and always jumps on the opportunity to purchase more property to rent it out.

Not much is known about the neighbour, it is very uncommon to see him outside when he isn't commuting to work or checking on his tenants. He is almost never seen outside at night. He is very courteous and enjoys casual conversation if you were to somehow run into him on the street, though can be very persistent when he wants to get something from someone.

The neighbour is anything but human, presenting himself as a normal everyday man day to day, at night, the facade wears off and he wears his shadowy appearance.

Design Notes:

  • His human appearance is his everyday form, the shadow form is his "true self" and only manifests itself at night.
  • Patterns on face in true form are flexible, but the "eye" spirals and "teeth" must be retained on the facial area.
  • his true form is always depicted in in a 2D space, his face is always a profile view.