Age: Adult, unknown

AKA: The angel

Likes: Reading, providing unwarranted advice to others, when others listen to him

Dislikes: Defiance, others making eye-contact with his eyes

Scolex takes the form of a traditional angel, despite his visual appearance he isn't associated with any existing afterlife. He presents himself in such a way only to be palatable and comprehensive to visual sight.

Scolex, at his core is relatively well meaning, but the execution of his own intent is very skewed and is more naggy than really anything of guidance. He is very demanding, asks and then expects change almost overnight. He is more bark than anything, not being able to physically interact with anything, though he is able to bend his form consistently. He is bound to the TV set in Johnny's basement and can only traverse into reality at midnight. Scolex is at a constant battle of morality with Johnny's mirror image "Self", who directly opposes him.

Design Notes:

  • eyes on hair and blood are visible as a form of intimidation more than anything
  • halo is optional
  • can conceal eyes on face