Age: Adult, unknown

AKA: Selfish (by Scolex), Other, the other one, Jimmy

Likes: Guns, Assault vehicles, knives, Artificial cherry flavouring

Dislikes: Authority, Evie, sleeping or the idea of being asleep in general

Self adopts a warped appearance of Johnny, claiming to be the physical manifestation of his violent tendencies and willingness for revenge. He is cruel, unfair and unforgiving and enjoys every aspect of revenge.

Self believes prior to his current predicament, he lived in a wonderful plane with everything he ever wanted until Evie came and destroyed it all. The cease of his original home universe caused for him, Evie and Scolex to be eternally trapped in Johnny's house, with Self bound to Johnny's mirror. Every day, Self is consistently frustrated with the outcome of this supposed incident and dedicates most of his free time to bugging Evie.

Self also directly opposes Scolex, often taking the piss out of him whenever applicable.

Design Notes:

  • Self has a wind up key in his back.
  • Can be drawn either in a sweater or button up.
  • Teeth and eyes can be any shade of red.
  • click to view alternate reference