Age: 20s

AKA: Nerve,

Likes: Nu-metal, rain and snow, cheap alcohol, bodies of water, weapons

Dislikes: Crowds, houseflies, humid weather

Nerve presents himself as trashy, somewhat of a creep who tends to overstep boundaries with others, liking to push things to the limit. He is naturally defiant and speaks back to others, not liking to back down from any sort of conflict. He has an interest in the macabre, true crime, etc and is obsessed with ants, often pressuring people into eating them or picking them up and throwing them at people.

His sense of morality teeters back and forth near constantly, most often creating an identity of a borderline sadist. He is not particularly empathetic towards others and finds more enjoyment in causing harm towards others. He often regards himself as 'one with the most nuance in world of NPCs' and often looks down upon others he feels is inferior to him.

Nerve is very observant of his own surroundings, yet also a bit paranoid. Walking around in public induces a level of paranoia in him and he often suspects random people are following him, etc. He is fairly adverse to being squeamish and has a taste for (his own) or other's blood.

Design Notes:

  • Shirt and Tank top can feature any graphic (bands, etc)
  • Outfit with jacket and scarf is winter wear (please do not draw w/o permission)

  • Alt ref